Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Review: Suite Scarlett - Maureen Johnson

Where I got it:My collection
Rating: 5 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I appreciate the "H" for Hopewell in the key and that it's shaped like NY and I love the background.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: May 1, 2009
Publisher: Point
Page Count: 353 p.

Scarlett's family owns the Hopewell hotel in New York. This hotel was once the place to be, however over the years it has dwindled down and now it is only Scarlett and her family taking care of it. When they get a guest who's more than over-the-top and she requests the Empire Suite (which is the room Scarlett takes care of) things start to get more interesting. Scarlett ends up as the over-the-top ex-starlet's personal assistant, which isn't always a good thing despite the cash flow. When Scarlett's older brother's theater production is on the verge of being shut down, the ex-starlet, Mrs. Amberson, offers to take over funding. Through wacky revenge themes and ridiculous theater antics, love and loss, Scarlett manages to keep her chin up and comes out even better than before.

I love this book! Maureen Johnson, you are a genius. This was everything you could want realistic fiction to be. Witty and well-written. I had so much fun reading this and I don't know why I did not pick it up sooner. The only problem I had is when Scarlett's brother is getting ready to get going with the play she says "Good Luck." Since her brother has been a theater geek his whole life Scarlett would have to have known that it is bad luck to say good luck to an actor before they go on stage. She should have said "Break a leg." That is all. I really recommend this to readers of humorous realistic fiction. It is the book you are looking for, it's so well written and just awesome! So buy it for you, buy it for your friends and buy it for your neighbors. It's excellent.

First Line:
"The Hopewell has been a family-run institution on the Upper East Side for over seventy-five years."
Favorite Line:"'Every time you flirt with her,' Scarlett said, 'a puppy dies.'"


  1. Haven't read this one, but Scholastic is offering a free e-book download of it now, so I'll have to check it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I LOVED the favorite line. It's hilarious!


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