Monday, March 15, 2010

Input , input please

Hello all my lovely readers. I come to you today with a query. Okay so here's my idea: I think I should start infusing my personality into my reviews much more than it already is. Like a conversation with you my readers, instead of how they are now(a bit sterile).
So what I would like to know is what you guys think? Do you like my reviews just the way they are or could they use a bit more personality? An tips or ideas on how to make them more my own? I welcome all suggestions in the comments below. FANKS!


  1. This is a great idea and something that I have been trying to do a lot more of. My advice would be to write your review as if you are talking to a friend. When I review I try and think of the review as just a conversation that I am having with a friend over coffee or something.

  2. Totally, thing you should put more of yourself into them! :) You are after all what makes your blog and what makes you, you adds to the reason you love or dislike the books your reading! :)

  3. Writing reviews is hard stuff! Or at least, I think so, I struggle with it, because I ask myself the same questions you asked. I guess I don't have any good advice, but I love your blog and will still read your reviews no matter what :D

  4. To be honest, I usually struggle when writing my reviews unless I add more personality into them. And so that is what I have been doing lately. I suggest you try it out and see how it works for you, if not, then maybe switch back. Good luck :)

  5. Personality is always good! It usually makes the review funnier to read :)

  6. I love your reviews the way they are, but I definately think that reviews are easier to read when they're more personal. Go for it! :]

  7. I think personality is incredibly important and definitely something which keeps me reading people's blogs! :-)


Hello readers! I love comments, so please feel free to leave them. I do comment back on every comment I get, though it may take me a couple of days. Thanks for stopping by!