Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Princess Bookie's Cover Challenge

-One Entry Per Person
-First 50 People To Enter (no more than this because it would be too hard to calculate)
-First Come First Serve- First 50 in linky will be entered!
-You can not reuse your cover from last year!!! No re-entries!
-However You CAN use a fan art Friday, as long as YOU made it! (I'll know when you link it from your blog)


  1. That cover is gorgeous! The font of "everywhere" magnifies the sky and the glare of the sun just so...

    I'd buy the book. :-)

  2. Oooh it's so pretty! Great job!

  3. Wow, that is beautiful! Amazing job!

  4. I absolutly love the tree. I really hope you win, you deiantly deserve it!

  5. I love what you did with the lettering! The layout of this is perfect! Great job!


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