Monday, March 1, 2010

Review Policy

I am more than happy to accept review copies from authors and publishers. I will also happily participate in hosting contests and authors for interviews. My reviews will always be 100% honest.  I can not assure that every book that I accept for review will get a review. I do try to only accept books that I will enjoy, but this does not always happen. If I do not like a book and choose to not finish reading it, I will not review it. I will however pass this book on to another blogger and hopefully they will enjoy it. My reviews include publisher information a cover rating and an overall rating, as well as a synopsis written by me and my thoughts on the title. I post my reviews on GoodReads and Amazon and try to post them on my library's website when appropriate.

Genres I enjoy: Young Adult literature is my main focus. I will, however, accept and review some Middle Grade titles and also some Adult titles with crossover appeal. To see a complete list of titles I have reviewed you may click here.

I do not prefer to read a series out of sequence. If you would like me to review a book that is part of a series that I have not read, I would like it if you could provide a copy of each of its previous titles. This way I can better review the book, I will also review each book in the series.

I will occasionally accept self-published books if it is something that I think I might enjoy. PLEASE NOTE: If your self-published book has a lot of editing mistakes it may take me a very long time to read it, if I even read it at all. Editing mistakes will slow down my reading a lot and if I do finish it, I will make note of this in the review, which will significantly lower it's rating.
I am currently not accepting any self published novels, unless I have worked with you in the past. I will make note of it when I am ready to accept more again. Thanks!

I do accept Kindle books.

How long until you review it? If the book is an ARC, I try to read and review the book in the month before or the month of it's release. If the book is already released then it may take me anywhere from 2-5 months to read and review it. If you have a specific time frame or date in mind feel free to ask!

FTC Disclaimer: Almost all of the books I receive for review are provided by the publisher or the author. I do not accept/receive monetary compensation for my reviews.



Hello readers! I love comments, so please feel free to leave them. I do comment back on every comment I get, though it may take me a couple of days. Thanks for stopping by!