Rating: 5 stars
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Lovely)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: May 19, 2009
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 303 p. (with glossary) + 18p. EXTRAS
This one made me cry a bit round the middle parts. When you read it you'll understand. If you don't cry you have no soul.
First Line:
"In my tent of shame."
Favorite Line:
"He reached up to get a can of Coca-Cola from a shelf and momentarily forgot about his elephant jeans and they just fell to his ankles."

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 5 stars
Cover Rating: 5 stars (I love how busy it is)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 6, 2009
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 308 p. (with glossary)
Gone are the piggy noses with sellotape and the drawn on freckles. Gone is stalking boys and fits of disco inferno(ish). Gone are the days of Georgia being on the rack of love and gone is Georgia's mates boyfriendlessness. Gone is this whole book series and all my amusingosity. Gone is Georgia immaturosity(ish). So this is le finale book. It's a ver ver sad thing to have happened. I could read these books for decades. She finally makes a good decision but it's very near the end of the book so I don't really get to know what happens next. This is a tragedy. I was recommending you read this series, but I don't know if you can deal with the heartache that comes with having to finish the series and move on. Of course you don't really have to move on you can just reread the series over and over. You really can too, its just as fun the second, third, one hundredth time around.
First Line:
"Why? Oh why oh why?"
Favorite Line:
"They had drawn a massive boy's trouser snake on the playing field with weed killer."
Don't forget to enter my contest here.
honestly, i think i havent read these two..maybe soon.. =)
ReplyDeleteThis popped up at the bottom of Transcendence and I just had to come and read it! I am sad that the series is over but I do plan on re-reading it one day, it was such a lot of fun :)