Thursday, April 15, 2010

National Library Week Links

So in honor of National Library Week, I thought I'd link to some pages that I have been checking out that are sucessfully honoring libraries and librarians alike. Enjoy!

Author, Jo Knowles wrote a great post about how everyone is welcome in puclic libraries.

Kate of The Neverending Shelf is doing a lot of great posts this week including a post of ALA's top 10 most challenged books, a post about Her library and how you can help out your own library easily, and a guest post by Helen Murdoc about School Librarians.

Leap Books wrote this great post where they interviewes librarian, Dr. Leigh Ann Jones, and let us in on the secret life of librarians.

Steph Su wrote a nice post a few weeks ago with tips on donating books to your library. 

Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century did a post about The Calling of a Librarian, a post about How Libraries Struggle and she too did an Interview with School Librarian Helen Murdoc.

Also, the PAYA (bringing YA to PA) Spring Auctions are open, so drop buy and bid on some great items.

And I leave you all with a link to the greatest comic strip about libraries EVER!


1 comment:

  1. I've loved reading all these great posts this week. It's awesome that everyone is spreading the library love!


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