Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Review: Because I Am Furniture - Thalia Chaltas

Where I got it: Library
Rating:  3.5 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Interesting, I like the cut-out)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: April 16, 2009
Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Page Count: 368 p.

Anke's father abuses her brother and sister, but he never touches her. Behind his back Anke tries out for volley ball at school. She makes the team and learns volleyball along with many other things. She learns how to step up and be heard. She learns it's up to her to make her father stop.

This was a very fast read since it was written in prose poetry. It was a tale of such horribly epic proportions, but offered hopeful empowerment. I enjoyed the little snippets of volleyball a lot. It reminded me of when I played in high school and how thrilling it was and how pumped you could get. Anke feels jealous that her father chooses to abuse her siblings, because at least they get his attention. This is an emotion that is completely justified, though a little strange from the outside looking in. This book was heartbreaking but has such a powerful message that may help people in similar situations. Sometimes it's easy to loose hope and you will to be heard. This book tells of how Anke finds the voice she needs to make sure she's not just another piece of furniture.

First Line:
"I am always there."

Favorite Line:
"I grimace guilty apologies."


  1. I've only read a couple of books in prose. They don't seem to be that common. But I'm excited for this one. :)

  2. Awesome review! I've been loving books in prose lately. And I love the cover so I'll definitely be reading this one :D


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