Monday, May 24, 2010

Review: Emily the Strange: the Lost Days - Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner

Where I got it: My collection
Rating:  4 stars
Cover Rating: 3 stars (It is in true Emily fashion, but nothing unique.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: June 2, 2009
Publisher:  HarperCollins
Page Count: 266 p.
A girl wakes up on a park bench in a dusty beige town. She doesn't know her name, she doesn't know where she is and she certainly doesn't know how or why she got there. All she knows is that she is a girl, she has a slingshot, a notebook and a pencil; she has a mystery to solve. When things start to get stranger and stranger in this town she finds that she even more desperately must figure out who she is. A traveling caravan brings a boy who can read her mind, but he doesn't know anymore than she does. After getting fine after fine for ridiculous things that are supposed law breaking,  she might finally be able to go home... or maybe she's been mistaken as someone else.

You either love Emily the Strange or you don't. There is no shame either way. Emily is a strange little girl after all. I do like the cats that she befriends and how they lead her places. This book kept me guessing about many things, while other things seemed more obvious. It was a great little mystery and I am definitely looking forward to picking up the next novel in this series. I tend to enjoy graphic novels, it's fun to see pictures accompanying stories, gives my eyes a rest from words. I wouldn't necessarily classify this as a graphic novel but it's very similar, with the text occasionally meshing in with the illustrations. If you haven't read an Emily the Strange I suggest to pick up a copy of this from your library, you might just get hooked on the strange little girl named Emily (even if she can't recall who she is).

First Line:
"I think I better take some notes, cuz something super strange is happening to me, and I don't know
1. my name
2. anyone else's name
3. where I am
4. how I got here
5. where I live
6. how old I am (am I a kid or just short?)
7. anything I've done since I was born
8. whether I'm a cat person or a dog person
9. whether I actually believe people are either cat people or dog people
10. what might have been written on the eleven pages that were torn out of this notebook
11. why this happened to me
12 how long it's going to last, or
13. what I should do next."
Favorite Line:
"It appears as though I was am a rich, popular, well-dressed girl who keeps a neat bedroom and wins trophies at everything she does."


  1. Great review! Book two is out. I liked book one a little bit better, but book two is a pretty close second (funny/keeps you guessing as to what is going on)

  2. I've seen this in bookstores and meant to stop and read the cover. Sounds interesting. I'll add it to my wish list.


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