Monday, May 31, 2010

Review: Glimpse - Carol Lynch Williams

Where I got it: ARC from my collection(swapped)
Rating:  4 stars
Cover Rating: 5 stars (*gasp* amazing)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: June 22, 2010
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Page Count: 486 p.

Lizzie and Hope were sisters, and with only a year between them they were also best friends. One day their Momma told them that they were to look out for each other, that was their job. But when Hope walks and and sees her dear sister with a gun pointed to her face, Hope doesn't know what to do. Lizzie get sent to a hospital and the doctors set to work in order to find out what would make Lizzie want to kill herself. While Lizzie is in the hospital, Hope sets out to search her memories of how her sister became so unhappy. As she glimpses through her past she starts to reaize that some secrets aren't best kept.

This book was so depressing. Dead kittens and suicide attempts. Two things that really make your bottom lip stick out and quiver. I enjoyed the southern setting of this novel, it made it a little more intense as opposed to them living in a big city. Each of the characters play their parts so well and as the story progresses you start to really feel for Hope and Lizzie. This is another novel in prose poetry, which I really just love because it seems to put just the right words together to craft the tale. With so few words used each must be carefully picked or else the novel will fall short. Carol Lynch Williams(hereon refered to as CLW*hehe*) succeeded admirably in making this novel very real. CLW writes on a topic most people don't face everyday and she tells it with a young, true, heartfelt voice. If you don't mind reading super depressing books this is certainly a great read, so well-written. I have not, as of yet, read The Chosen One, but I certainly will now. CLW is an author to look out for and I hope there are more gut-wrenching novels to come. This review had to be very general, as I did not want to spoil even one page to the readers.

First Line:
"In one moment
it is over." 

Favorite Line:
"The clothes are way 
in the bottom, in something
that looks like
melted ice cream
and wilted lettuce."


  1. Awesome review! I had no idea this was written in prose. The Chosen One was amazing, but really hard to read. It made me want to immediately want to read this one. I can't wait :D

  2. This book was SO emotional! My review will be up in a week or so, but I can agree w/most of what you said.

  3. To be honest, I LOVE emotional books. This one sounds fantastic. Bumping it up on my list thanks to your review. :D


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