Monday, May 3, 2010

Review: Green Witch - Alice Hoffman

Where I got it: Inter-library Loan
Rating:  4.5 stars
Cover Rating: 5 stars (again, I love how her front cover and back cover tie in together.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: March 1, 2010
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Page Count: 144 p.

Green has survived, even after her family perishes in a vicious attack by the Horde. She becomes sort of a witch, able to have her garden grow overnight. Green sets out to collect the stories she really wants from the Enchanted ones(others call them witches), that each have their own story to tell, much like Green. Green is the keeper of people's stories. She makes her own paper, unique for each person, then she writes down each of their stories. This is Green's story and how she journeyed to find the one who can give your true love desires.

I really enjoyed this sequel to Green Angel (my review). Alice Hoffman crafts another beautiful tale about the young girl known as Green. Now Green has grown up, not in age, but within herself. She has grown to accept the new world that she is in. If you enjoyed Green Angel than this is definitely a book you must pick up. If you haven't read it you should try it. They are both quick, thoughtful, lyrical reads and you should not be disappointed. I loved following Green on her journey to self-realization and a renewed sense of happiness. This was a very encouraging and touching novel that explores what it means to lose someone and find yourself from the piece that are left.

First Line: "This is what I remembered."

Favorite Line: "Before long, Leaf will only have to whisper and the wisteria will bloom."


  1. I love Alice Hoffman.The last time I read was Practical Magic. Thanks for a nice review and for sharing =)

  2. That cover is wonderful!! I have the Ice Queen waiting to be read by Alice and I intend to read it soon. I'm looking forward to it =)

    Great review for this book, I've had my eye on it for a while.


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