Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Review: Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins

Where I got it: Library
Rating:  4 stars
Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (I like it, but the model looks kind of old)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: March 2, 2010
Publisher: Hyperion
Page Count: 336 p.

Sophie Mercer is a witch raised by a human. She has little to no contact with her father who is the one to pass the trait on to her. After many, many mishaps with magic, her father has her sent to Hex Hall, a reform school for witches, faeries, shape-shifters and the like. She doesn't do too well there from day one, between boarding with a vamp, pissing off the three head witches and semester-long detention Sophie has her hands full. She enlists the help of a ghost/witch(who really has sought her out) and begins training to be a better witch. When a murderer is named among the students Sophie knows she has to get to the bottom of what's really going on and who her father really is. Sophie doesn't know who to trust when so many new discoveries lead her to believe that everyone could be guilty.

First things first, I could never be friends with Sophie. She has such an attitude, I can't even believe it. I did enjoy the book though. it had enough twists an turns to keep me guessing but not too many so that I got lost. This was a really fun read and perfect for the approaching summer(as long as you don't mind reading about school). I loved the magic that was portrayed in this novel and all the little clicks between the different prodigum. I'm glad with the way things turned out, although there are plenty of cliffhangers that leave me craving the next installment. I do wish Sophie was less obnoxious, but some people are just that way and can't help it. The romance in this was quite entertaining as well as steamy. This is certainly a book for the beach, so make sure you pick up a copy.

First Lines:
"Felicia Miller was crying in the bathroom. Again."

Favorite Lines:
"I stared at them. Had that been their sales pitch? look! we're really scay. Come be scary too!"


  1. This sounds awesome! And I love books for the beach ;) Thanks for the lovely review Brittany!

  2. Ooh this one sounds great - fab review! I'll be sure to check it out :) xd


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