Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Possessions: The Evil Within - Nancy Holder

WherI got it: ARC from the publisher
Rating: 2.5 stars
Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (MUCH better than the first cover. Very creepy...)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: June 10, 2010 
Publisher: Razorbill
Page Count: 310 p.


Lindsay is now possessed and can feel Celia control her whenever she wants. She knows she must return to Marlwood in order to free herself and get rid of the spirit. When she tries to listen to what the spirit tells her must happen, Lindsay knows she can't do it. Her unwillingness ends up dragging the truth out of the spirits that are fighting for revenge. There may just be someone else that Celia and Belle need to join together in order to free themselves and the girls they have a hold on.

hmm... I'm not sure really what to say about this one. I was really hoping it would live up to the expectations I had for it upon finishing book 1, but it fell short. Again, like in the first one there are far too many people to keep track of that are not relevant to the plot. Even the other spirits of the girls who died seem complete random and don't add to the storyline. Very little happened in this book for me to really appreciate it. Another think that bothered me again, was the fact that she refers to Troy as her "true love". They aren't even officially together and they barely know anything about the other person. So I don't think that she really would call him her "true love".  This book was just okay. Lindsay learned a couple new things about her possession, but there is still no conclusion. This series could have easily been wrapped up with this book if there weren't so many side-tracked story lines that go nowhere. I might read the next one eventually. It doesn't come out until the spring and I won't be eagerly anticipating it, but I might pick it up at some point just so I can find out how this ends. There was nowhere near the level of creepiness that the first book ended on and I was just really disappointed in this novel. 

First Line:
"I had escaped."

Favorite Line:
"Shayna stumbled forward like a Zombie and I had to hurry to keep up."

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