Monday, June 14, 2010

Review: I Heart You, You Haunt Me - Lisa Schroeder

WherI got it: Inter-library loan
Rating: 4 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (It's a little weird but fitting.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 8, 2008
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Page Count: 226 p.

"Ava + Jackson = true LOVE 4ever"
Except not anymore.
Not now, he's...       gone.
But what if love knows no bounds?
What if love can prevail no matter what stands between them?
Could love survive even 
Well, Ava and Jackson seem to think so. 
Though Ava doesn't know that it's right for them to hold on.
It can never be the same
can never be
Will Ava be able to let Jackson go?
Will Jackson ever leave?

This was a wonderfully heartbreaking work. I love books in prose poetry, they can just hold so much emotion in those carefully chosen words. Ava was heartbroken over her boyfriend, Jackson's death and she blamed herself for it. This story tells of the true raw heartbreak, but it also tells of freedom from guilt. It tells that maybe at fifteen-years-old a relationship may not be as serious. Maybe you truly did love him, but only in those moments. It seemed like Ava did love Jackson, but she was also young (NOT to say all young people don't know what love is) and she had lots of other choices to make. This book was certainly sad but in a good relief-filled way. It tells of letting go and making peace. It was a wonderful book and I think everyone should read it. I'm sure you will not be able to put it down or take a breath until the end. 

First Line:
"I've never been
to a funeral
until today."

Favorite Lines:
"When I take a drink,
it tastes
sweet and sour
like it should be.

My heart feels 
sweet and sour too.

Is that how it should be?"


  1. I agree, it's one of those you cant hardly breath while reading. Wonderful review, of a heartbreakingly beautiful book!

  2. I bought this book not knowing that it was written in verse, so I'm a little hesitant towards it, but maybe I'll start it someday soon due to your great review :)

  3. I cannot WAIT to read this. :D

  4. This sounds so amazing. Thanks for the great review, you convinced me to pick this one up for sure. I definitely agree, I love books in prose (:


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