Monday, June 28, 2010

Review: Refresh, Refresh - Danica Novgorodoff, James Ponsoldt, Benjamin Percy

WherI got it: Inter-library loan
Rating: 4 stars
Cover Rating: 3 stars (It's provocative)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 29, 2009 
Publisher: First Second
Page Count: 144 p.

Three boys whose fathers enlisted are left behind to be the men of the house. So sometimes they fight. They fight as if they have something to prove, to their fathers, to their friends or to themselves. When their lives don’t turn out exactly as planned and they end up pulling some stupid stuff. Enlisting themselves might be the only way for them to save themselves. But then, who is left?

This was a gut-wrenching depiction of war-torn families. The title comes from these boys constantly refreshing their e-mail inboxes trying to get word from their fathers. Boys pounding on each other to vent their frustrations on having life not be the way they want it. Not that everyone gets the life of their dreams, but most don’t have to face their parents’ mortality so suddenly. This was a good graphic novel, with matching illustrations. It was very brief but powerful nonetheless. If you have a chance to pick this up, I suggest you do. Enjoy.

First Line:
"Hit him in the face!"

Favorite Line:
"Hit him in the face!"

1 comment:

  1. Whoa this sounds super interesting. Not usually my thing, but I think I'll try it! Thanks for the awesome review :D


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