Sunday, August 22, 2010

In My Mailbox #52

In My Mailbox brought to you by The Story Siren

For Review:

Rebel Angels - Libba Bray These two I won over at Read Into This
Lost for Words - Alice Kuipers This one I won from Kelsey over at The Book Scout Thanks guys!

30 Days To Finding and Keeping Sassy Sidekicks and Bffs - Clea Hantman (Funny story I thought this was a sassy teen novel, turns out it's and actual guide to finding and keeping sassy Bffs. I will be bringing this straight to the library, so my younger teens can use it.)
Long Hot Summer - Eric Stephenson and Jamie McKelvie
How To Make a Bird - Martine Murray

soooooooo... That's what I got this week. What have all of you been up to. Anything positively fabulous in your mailboxes?


  1. Great books you received this week! I want all the books you've gotten for review/won. Also, a few books you bought/swapped look interesting too. Thanks for the links- I can look them up with ease.

  2. Lots of good stuff! I got Matched to review a while back but it's the black cover....poop! I want the one with the cover you have LOL!

  3. Great books! Radiance and Matched (love the cover of that one!) both look amazing! Also, I adored After so I hope you do too. Happy reading! :)

  4. So you got TONS of amazing books. Can't wait to read your reviews!

  5. Loved Saving Francesca! :D Hope you enjoy all your books!

  6. Radiance and Matched have been sitting on my shelf for a while. Can't wait to see what you have to say about them!

    Nice haul!

  7. Great mailbox! My IMM Birthday Edition is here.

    From the Shadows

  8. Oh my goodness! SO many amazing books this week. After was really really good! I'll be looking out for your reviews. Happy reading Brittany! :)

  9. Great Week! I really looking forward to reading Matched! The Eternal Ones was pretty good!

    Happy Reading!

  10. i enjoyed The Eternal one, i can't wait 2 start Matched!

    Happy Reading :D


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