Monday, August 16, 2010

Middle Grade Monday #3 (Review: The Girls - Amy Goldman Koss)

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 2.5 stars
Cover Rating: 3 stars (sssokay)
Genre: Middle Grade
Publication Date: March 18, 2002
Publisher:  Puffin
Page Count: 121 p.

Maya was part of the group that was headed by the popular Candace. At least she was part of the group until Candace got bored with her. The only reason Maya found out is that she called a friend and her friend's mother asked why she wasn't at Darcy's sleepover. The other girls in the group don't hate Maya though, and they aren't sure why they are supposed to. One by one the girls come to realize that maybe being Candace's friend is that good.

I liked this book a lot when I read it back in 6th or 7th grade. This time around I found it a bit unrealistic and the girls incredibly two dimensional. The head girl Candace is really mean on the outside but really deep on the inside? If she were really that deep on the inside she would have probably found some better friends, or just been an outcast. Maybe not though, maybe tormenting other people made her feel in control of her out of control thoughts.This was a fast read about girls finding out where their loyalties lie and that sometimes the most popular, doesn't mean the best. A lot of the time these girls would say things or make references to things that seemed way beyond them. I'm not saying young girls are idiots, but there are certain things you don't allude to at that age, because you haven't been exposed to it. Just because I, upon rereading this, did not enjoy it this time around, this does not mean that younger girls won't find it appealing. It's a quick read and most girls will probably be able to relate to at least on of the other girls. I do like how this book ends though...very leading.

First Line:
"Last Saturday, I stumbled half asleep into the kitchen, aiming for a bowl of granola, thinking it was just any old Saturday morning."

Favorite Line:
"My mom's cosmetics were a bottle of dandruff shampoo and a lipstick."



  1. where can i find this book online to read for free

    1. You can ask your local library if they subscribe to Overdrive, because it's available on there. Overdrive is a library lending online system that has thousands of ebook and audiobooks. Definitely your best bet.


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