Thursday, September 30, 2010

Review: Killer - Sara Shepard

WherI got it: my collection
Rating: 5 stars 
Cover Rating: 4 stars 
Genre: Young Adult 
Publication Date: June 30, 2009 
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 321 p.

** Series/book Spoilers and Rant**

So in this book Spencer finds out who her real mother is, which was really just a carrier mother. This mother seems fabulous, but then ends of ripping Spencer off, which isn't too nice but is sort of Spencer's fault for being hasty and young. Hanna and Kate both go after Mike Montgomery, Kate says she likes him, but when Hanna starts to go after him she realizes she might actually like him. Emily starts dating a guy she likes (a guy? you ask, yes yes a guy) but after they have sex his mom goes pretty psycho. Aria starts going after Jason DiLaurentes because she doesn't think he's wicked scary and a possible murderer. Though when A tricks Aria into going over to Jason apartment, he comes back and finds her there and pretty much freaks out and Aria tries to invite him to this grand reopening of a mental hospital turned hotel and he gets quite upset and asks her if it's a sick joke. So of course the girls each think they have their own sets of clues to share, and Aria spills that she's been keeping Ali's time capsule flag (which Jason gave to her back in the day) and the make her get it and then they meet in the barn. Before Aria can get there though, the woods get set on fire and the girls escape with their lives and Aria saves someone from the woods. Someone who looks a lot like Ali. Which really was insanely frustrating, having that be how the book ended, I'm just glad I started reading them after they had all been published so I didn't have to wait FOREVER for the next book to come out, I probably would have cried. It's not too surprising that Emily likes a boy she young and battling feelings and I think people love people and gender sometimes gets in the way of what a person really wants. Spencer's mother seemed a little too good too be true so it was a little weird finding out that she really did birth Spencer. And of course Hanna starting to like like Mike is a little weird but bound to happen, there aren't  that many guys at Rosewood.

First Line:
"What if, all of a sudden, you could remember every single second of your entire life?"

Favorite Line:
"When she got to the silverware she paused, puzzled."  

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