Friday, September 3, 2010

Review: Radiance - Alyson Noël

Where I got it: From Publisher
Rating: 4 stars
Cover Rating: 5 stars (It's really pretty)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: August 31, 2010
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Page Count: 178 p.

Riley is in the afterlife, a place called Here, where the time is always Now. For a while everything is pretty much the same as it was on Earth. When Riley's parents make her go to school however, everything changes. She is presented to The Council and assigned the job of Soul Catcher. For training to become a Soul Catcher, she is given a teacher named Bohdi who takes her on her first job to help Radiant Boy cross into the afterlife. Many have failed to get Radiant Boy to cross, but now it's Riley's turn to prove herself.

This was an interesting take on the afterlife. It is definitely a life after death I wouldn't entirely mind. Now I didn't know going into this that Riley was Ever's (from Noël's Immortal series) sister. I have yet to read  this Immortal series, but I think now I just might have to. Riley is a spunky, mildy annoying twelve-year-old who wants what she wants. She speaks her mind even when it's not too nice. Riley is very sure of herself, in the way you can be when you are twelve. She takes her first assignment in stride and is only intimidated for a minute or so. I really enjoyed this first novel and look forward to the rest. This is targeted toward preteens, but I think it can also be a quick, fun read for seasoned YA veterans. Bhodi, Riley and Buttercup are a quirky and fun group and I look forward to following their adventures and getting to know them better.

First Line:
"Most people think that death is the end."

Favorite Lines:
"Blue, blue, I was drowning in blue."
"The sound of someone so lost in their grieving, they could no longer function, no longer do any thing but emit a noise that rang of nothing but death."


  1. I do adore Riley! She's a great character:)

  2. Great review! I read the first book in the Immortals series a while ago and I remember really liking Riley's character so I'll have to check this one out sometime.


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