Saturday, September 11, 2010

Review: Wicked - Sara Shepard

WherI got it: Library
Rating: 5 stars 
Cover Rating: 4 stars 
Genre: Young Adult 
Publication Date: June 1, 2009 
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 310 p.

** Series Spoilers and Rant**
Okay so now Ali's brother is introduced and thrown right into the equation. I'm not too concerned about him however, cause check out sketchy Officer Wilden over there. Yeah I'm looking at you, mister. Trying to act all innocent because you're a cop. I totally suspect that Wilden is the new A, maybe he was working with Mona all along. Maybe Sara Shepard is just trying to make me think new A could be Wilden when really it's Jason. I feel like Jason has something going on I mean "sibling issues". I don't think he could be A though. It's possible but I don't feel it, plus Wilden has been there all along. Kate is kind of bizarre. I can never tell what she's up to. I am currently undecided about whether she be friend or foe. Plus is Spencer adopted???? Please tell us Sara!!!! AARRRGGGHHH... Also, why can't Aria just date boys even close to her age range. I mean staying within a decade of her age range shouldn't be too hard at least. Jeez Louise though... We shall just have to see what book 6 brings I guess. I still thing Wilden is suspect.

First Line:
"Wouldn't it be nice to know exactly what people are thinking?"

Favorite Line:
"And didn't herpes lead to cold sores?"

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