Thursday, February 17, 2011

Review: Babe in Boyland - Jody Gehrman

WherI got it: ARC from Princess Bookie's Around the World Tours
Rating: 4.5 stars 
Cover Rating: 5 stars (This is one of my favorite covers ever. It's so fun and fantastic!)
Genre: Young Adult 
Publication Date: February 17, 2011
Publisher: Dial
Page Count: 292 p.

Natalie is a romance advice columnist, Dr. Aphrodite,  for her school paper. When some harsh comments crop up on her latest online help column, she realizes that maybe she isn't the best person to be dispensing advice about relationships, especially since she hasn't had a boyfriend since...forever. She decides to ask the boys at her school some questions that girls really want to know the answers to. They all clam up though and give her nothing. Natalie isn't sure what to do. Then she has a plan, born from her love of acting, she decides she will go undercover at the local all boys school Underwood Academy. Being a guy shouldn't be too hard right? Enter super dreamy roommate, Nat's new roommate and new crush. How can she keep her cover when all she wants is to flirt with this beautiful boy. Natalie finds out that there are lots more things about guys she didn't know about, than what she came here to find out.

Jody Gehrman has done it again I love her quirky Triple Shot Betty books and I LOVE Natalie Rowan. This book was such a fun and interesting read. Not that I am a high school girl still trying to unravel the secrets of the male species, but this is a fantastic read regardless. High-jinks and mishaps are bound to happen when a girly-girl decides to try and be a guy. I kind of hope this is a series, if only to get to know Natalie and her friends better. This book was such a short look into the week of Natalie's life while she tried to discover who she really was and who guys were. This was just a really funny book and I dispatched this book in one light sitting. I just need to know how it ended, could Natalie really make it a whole week as a boy without any finding out??! Well, I know but you won't until you make sure and get your hands on this fantastic read.  

First Line:
"My name is Natalie Rowan." 

Favorite Line:
"It's like they don't have any witticisms of their own without ripping off some poor dead playwright."  


  1. I can't wait to read this one! I was at Barnes and Noble the yesterday looking for it then I remembered it came out on the 17th, not the 16th.
    The only thing that bother's me is that the novel's first line is "My name is Natalie Rowan."
    It always annoys me when books start this way.
    I love your blog, btw.

  2. I actually don't mind the first line. Great review. This sounds adorable.

  3. Great review! I'm crossing my fingers for the giveaway. Sounds like a great light read.


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