Rating: 3 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I love the picture and everything(it's so fun and pink and the girl's sparkly eyeshadow is awesome), but can we talk about the title. This would be an appropriate title if this is a first book in a series, but there is not really enough secret society to warrant the title including such words.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 1, 2010
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Page Count: 315 p.
Erin's aunt dies mysteriously and leaves her an even more mysterious present. A pink crystal ball, with a cryptic set of instructions on how to use it. Erin is a very logic-based person, whereas her two best friends tend to be on the more faith side of things. When the ball manages to predict a few incidences though, Erin may just have to start believing in the power of the ball and what it can do for her and her friends.
This was a fun and enjoyable read about an interesting subject. Fortune telling or predicting the future usually seems more darkly foreboding in stories and this novel presented it in a serious but really fun way. I loved trying to figure out the clues alongside Erin and it was interesting when the answers were revealed. I really appreciated how this magic pink crystal ball worked. Plus I really loved Jesse, he is definitely the kind of guy I would go for. I do have to complain about the ending though. I can get over the fact that we will never find out what happened with the trip Erin wants to go on, I can handle that. I hated the how this book ended with one of the girls asking if she would be discovered by a Hollywood Director. It was ridiculous and just didn't seem to really go with the rest of the story. I mean yeah, they are teenage girls and have weird, aloof dreams, but really Hollywood? Maybe it's just me, but i didn't like that one bit. Also if that had to be the end, she definitely shouldn't have revealed the answer. She should have left it shrouded in mystery. Anyways, this was a really fun and quirky read and all the characters were outrageously outrageous in their own ways. If you have a chance, I would definitely try this book on for size.
First Line:
"Things About Me That Might, in Some Alternative Universe, Be Interesting Enough for the Committee of Tenth Grade Teachers to Pick Me for the AP Art History Trip to Italy"
Favorite Line:
"'You started one a long time ago, Soggy Bottoms.'"
Okay guys, so I don't have a magic Pink Crystal Ball, but I do have a Magic Cheezburger. So...if you want to leave questions in the comments section, I will consult with the higher powers and post your answers below.
Erin's aunt dies mysteriously and leaves her an even more mysterious present. A pink crystal ball, with a cryptic set of instructions on how to use it. Erin is a very logic-based person, whereas her two best friends tend to be on the more faith side of things. When the ball manages to predict a few incidences though, Erin may just have to start believing in the power of the ball and what it can do for her and her friends.
This was a fun and enjoyable read about an interesting subject. Fortune telling or predicting the future usually seems more darkly foreboding in stories and this novel presented it in a serious but really fun way. I loved trying to figure out the clues alongside Erin and it was interesting when the answers were revealed. I really appreciated how this magic pink crystal ball worked. Plus I really loved Jesse, he is definitely the kind of guy I would go for. I do have to complain about the ending though. I can get over the fact that we will never find out what happened with the trip Erin wants to go on, I can handle that. I hated the how this book ended with one of the girls asking if she would be discovered by a Hollywood Director. It was ridiculous and just didn't seem to really go with the rest of the story. I mean yeah, they are teenage girls and have weird, aloof dreams, but really Hollywood? Maybe it's just me, but i didn't like that one bit. Also if that had to be the end, she definitely shouldn't have revealed the answer. She should have left it shrouded in mystery. Anyways, this was a really fun and quirky read and all the characters were outrageously outrageous in their own ways. If you have a chance, I would definitely try this book on for size.
First Line:
"Things About Me That Might, in Some Alternative Universe, Be Interesting Enough for the Committee of Tenth Grade Teachers to Pick Me for the AP Art History Trip to Italy"
Favorite Line:
"'You started one a long time ago, Soggy Bottoms.'"
Okay guys, so I don't have a magic Pink Crystal Ball, but I do have a Magic Cheezburger. So...if you want to leave questions in the comments section, I will consult with the higher powers and post your answers below.
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Gabrielle Carolina <3
Aside from the so so ending sounds like a good read