Friday, November 12, 2010

Review: Lips Touch: Three Times - Laini Taylor; illustrated by Jim Di Bartolo

WherI got it: Library
Rating: 5 stars 

Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (Pretty not as pretty as the illustrations inside though.)
Genre: Young Adult  
Publication Date: October 1, 2009
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Page Count: 266 p. 

This is a collection of three stories set in a more whimsical place. The first story warns of goblins and their ways. How they hunger to make you hunger for their fruit. How an unknowing victim got drawn into their poison. The second tale is about an old woman who makes deals with the bringer of death to save a few innocent children. One of these deals causes a young girl to grow up mute for the fear that if she utters a single sound she will bring death to all those around her. The final story is that of a girl who was once a favorite of her mother, but escapes when her mother gets to be too much. She takes her daughter away from all the pain that was once her home with hope that they can escape for forever. All three of these stories hold within them a moment of magical bliss. A first kiss.

WOW. I love this book so much. Laini Taylor certainly has a way with words. I will be reading more of her soon. Also, Jim Di Bartolo creates the most beautiful illustrations to accompany the whimsical storytelling. I am in love with these two. The illustrations in the novel are breathtaking, and tell you a summary of each story before you delve into the lyrical writing. If you are a fan of fairy tales and magic along with incredible writing, make sure you get this book as soon as possible. I will be buying a copy for myself to reread and to stare at the gorgeous illustrations. I loved each of the stories, the horror and beauty that each contained was fantastic. All I have is praise for this book. It makes you dreamy and frightened of things in the night.  

First Line:
"There is a certain kind of girl that goblins crave." 

Favorite Line:
"It was so dark it was almost black and it melted on her tongue into an ancient flavor of seed pod, earth, shade, and sunlight, its bitterness casting just a shadow of sweet."

1 comment:

  1. I actually tried to read this book once before but I just couldn't get into it. Though, after reading your great review, I think I'll be giving it another try.


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