Friday, November 5, 2010

Review: Bloodthirsty - Flynn Meaney

WherI got it: Library
Rating: 5 stars 

Cover Rating: 4 stars (This one is much better than the original one they had. It's very cute and quirky.)
Genre: Young Adult  
Publication Date: October 5, 2010 
Publisher: Poppy 
Page Count: 234 p.

Finbar Frame can never get a girl. He knows it's because he's so pale (allergic to the sun), scrawny and nerdy. When a girl approaches him on the subway though, she ends up changing his life. She seems to be in love with the idea of vampires. She finds them swoon-worthy. Finbar notices that this is the case with many of his female schoolmates and then he knows how he will get girls. Finbar Frame will become a vampire. 

This was a very fun novel, with many laugh-out-loud moments. I loved Finbar and all his lack of self confidence. This lack of self confidence goes away though when he pretends to be a vampire, because all the things he hated about himself are the very things that make him vampire-esque. I also liked how awkward his brother was, even though everyone fawned over him. I think Finbar and his brother were more similar than they realized. This was a great light read that deals with the issue of being yourself. Finbar was a great character (and a great name) and he really represented insecure teen males quite perfectly. Definitely check out this debut novel, it was well worth it for the laughs.  

First Line:
"'Turn me,' Jenny demanded, looking up at me, her eyes so intense they could have bored me into the brick wall behind me." 

Favorite Line:
"While I was often moody and irritated and prone to shutting myself in my closet, displaying many signs of a future serial killer, Luke was always moving, smiling, always happy, always busy."


  1. I love that cover, it's super cute. It sounds like a fun read! Great review :)

  2. What an adorable cover! I'm sure I've heard of this but thanks for the reminder :)


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