Friday, November 19, 2010

Review: Winter's Passage - Julie Kagawa

WherI got it: Free Download from here
Rating: 5 stars 

Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (Pretty)
Genre: Young Adult  
Publication Date: June 1, 2010
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Page Count: 51 p. 

This is a novella that takes place between The Iron King and The Iron Daughter. It's the account of Ash and Meghan's trip from her home to the Winter Fey Court.

This was a nice little novella to read in between books one and two. I also appreciated that it didn't include so much information that people who had no way of reading it would be lost when they start The Iron Daughter. This novella detailed Meghan and Ash's journey to the Winter Fey Court and the people and creatures they met on the way. This novella proves to score a point for those who are Team Ash, but Team Puck will probably shake their heads a little as Meghan interacts solely with Ash while Puck is still recovering. If you have a chance to read this before Iron Daughter, definitely do.

First Line:
"In the shadows of the cave, I watched the Hunter approach."

Favorite Lines:
"I stood atop a great iron tower, a hot wind stinging my face, smelling of ozone and chemicals. Before me, a huge metal throne rose into the mottled yellow sky, black iron spikes raking the clouds."   

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