Friday, December 31, 2010

Review: The Lost Saint - Bree Despain

WherI got it: Library
Rating:  4.5 stars 

Cover Rating: 5 stars (Perfect.)
Genre: Young Adult  
Publication Date: December 28, 2010
Publisher: Egmont USA
Page Count: 404 p.
Sequel to The Dark Divine 

Grace has taken into herself the werewolf curse, so that Daniel may live free. She has not turned into a wolf yet, but can feel the power tingling under her skin. Her and Daniel are training, trying to make sure Grace can use her powers for good and not have to succumb to the wolf inside. But when Grace gets a weird phone call from her brother, Jude, he warns her that someone is trying to hurt her and that they can not be trusted. The phone call comes from inside Daniel's house. Her longing to be reunited with her brother causes Grace to look for him on her own, especially in light of the fact that Daniel has been ignoring her lately. She teams up with her old best friend, April, and together they set out on some leads...and nearly get themselves killed. They are saved by a stranger named Talbot, who Grace feels oddly comfortable with. He agrees to help her find her brother, but is he the one her brother warns her about, or is it Daniel?

This was a most excellent sequel to the first novel. I'm glad it did not disappoint. The only slightly maddening thing was the love triangle. Why do so many trilogies introduce a love triangle in the second book? Especially when the main characters are supposed to be madly-in-love-soulmates. It's a little outrageous, but I guess teens will be teens, and it's sort of hard to settle for the first guy you've ever really  been attracted to. Besides that, this is everything you would want in a sequel. Jude is still missing as the novel begins and Pastor Divine is busy looking for him and Mrs. Divine is busy alternating between stoic silence and Marta Stewart hostess energy. It was a sad but interesting atmosphere for Grace's escapades. I enjoyed the character of Talbot, though he seemed a little too friendly at times. I could definitely see how Grace could find comfort with him, he had a sort of older brother feel to him, and seeing as how Grace's older brother was MIA, she probably was attracted to him for that comfort. Grace's struggle with keeping the wolf inside her, inside, added a lot to the novel. I liked the whole idea of this inner struggle that Grace had to figure out on her own, because an inner struggle should be something you fix yourself. I think her battle was very well written and you could almost relate to what Grace was going through, even though, hopefully you aren't actually having inner-wolf issues. I'm also glad we got April back for this novel. I love her silly ideas and her energy. The ending was crazy and nerve-wracking and a cliff hanger. GAH! I really want to read the next book now. So if you can stand being left on edge make sure you read this one right away.

First Line:
"'Do what he wants, and you might survive,' a harsh voice said into the boy's ear before he felt a sharp blow to the kidneys."

Favorite Lines: 
"The wolf arched his head back and let out the most mournful howl I'd ever heard. It sounded almost like a scream."

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your view of the love triangle - I totally felt Talbot was a brother figure. The inner struggle in Grace reminded me Ever's situation in Dark Flame (by Alyson Noel). Have you read that book? Anyway, The ending of TLS? OMG!! No way!


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