Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Interview with author Sean Beaudoin

Sean Beaudoin

Today I welcome guest interviewee Sean Beaudoin author of Fade to Blue and You Killed Wesley Payne as well as that other book I haven't read yet. He was kind enough to take the time and answer a few of the burning questions I had after finishing his books.

When you were a teen reader, what sort of books did you devour?
I loved Dune by Frank Herbert. And all of Kurt Vonnegut. I was a big fan of The Basketball Diaries Jim Carroll, as well as pretty much anything by Anthony Burgess. Don Delillo was a big influence. As was Elmore Leonard and Martin Amis.

Have you ever been a private investigator?
If by “private investigator” you mean “regularly spying on my older sister and all her friends,” then yes. In terms of having cool gadgets, tailing people, wearing a trench coat, and having a secretary with smoldering lips, no.

If you had to put yourself in a high school clique, what would it be called?
Those Living Under Someone Else’s Conception Of What It Really Means To Be Cool. If I could go back to that time now, I would make absolutely zero attempt to be cool, thus instantly being the coolest kid on campus.

If you could be another famous person, living or dead who would you be and why?
Keith Richards. Because being in the Rolling Stones is like having a 50-year free pass to go wherever you want, do whatever you want to do, and also have the world’s biggest headband collection.

How do you pronounce "Fade" in the title Fade to Blue? Is it the regular way or fah-day like Kenny's last name?
For the ease of the kind people working the register at various fine indie bookstores around the country, we say “Fade.” But if you want to be in a very specific and special club of people who know what’s up, you whisper, in a low and husky voice, “Fah-day.”

Do you have a fear of ice-cream trucks? or find yourself looking over your shoulder when you hear the melody?
I am terrified. Absolutely quaking. Traumatized. Stricken. Paralyzed. I have nightmares of creamsicles. I dread strawberry shortcake. If it is frozen and even vaguely reminiscent of fudge, I will run screaming into the night.!/seanbeaudoin


  1. LOL! Great interview! WKWP sounds really cool (without trying to be).

  2. Fabulous interview! I literally laughed out loud at work and all my co-workers thought I was nuts. I just told "fah-day" off! :P


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