Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Review: Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty - Jody Gehrman

Where I got it: My collection
Rating: 4.5 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (On the hardcover edition the coffee is scratch n' sniff!)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: April 17, 2008
Publisher: Dial
Page Count: 256 p.

All Geena wanted out of this summer was for her best friend, Amber, and her cousin, Hero, to become instant friends. Unfortunately this does not go down without a hitch. Meet the Bettys girls who need to learn how to resist the irresistible John (the man). Geena's friend Amber gets a reputation as being skanky when she moves to the new town after having a slight thing with John. Geena's cousin Hero (parents, were big Shakespeare fans)is the "pure innocent one" who ends up getting burned by John too, when she fails to fall for his devilish good looks. Geena decides that she can not stand by idly and watch her friend's reputations disintegrate. So she calls upon some other girls who have been burned to bring down The Man.

So this is my second time reading this novel. I read it when it first came out a couple years ago and loved it then. I still love it! Geena is such a feminist, but not in a bad scary way. She is not one to sit around and be dumped on or watch as her friends suffer a boy's egotistical crap. I really loved the character's and how you got enough background on them to relate to them, but you didn't know like best friend secrets. All the characters were fun and quirky and people you could love...or love to hate (John). Some people are just slimy and this book had a great way of dealing with those people. If you have ever been scorned by a guy and then he slandered you, this book of delicious revenge is for you. Jody is a fantastic author and has a fun narrative to help you glide through the book. It was very interesting seeing how the girls interacted with each other and I appreciated that they each had a separate entity they weren't all alike. Each character is completely there own and think of things from different points of view. Though the summer crushes and heartache are typical throughout the young adult genre, this book possess many interesting developments, that one would not really suspect (at least I didn't).

First Lines: 
"Great. So much for my summer. I should have known. School's not even out yet, and Operation Girlfriend is already in tatters."

Favorite Line:
"I may die with my hymen intact, but at least I'll have my dignity."


  1. Sometimes it's just as good to go with something you know. I like knowing what kind of story I'm getting into before I actually dive in.

  2. I really enjoyed this book too, I just purchased it on amazon for 4 dollars. This story is so funny and real! Great interview!!
    -by Lasha


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