Saturday, March 26, 2011

Review: Zombies Calling - Faith Erin Hicks

Where I got it: From publisher for review
Rating: 4 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I really like that she is killing them with a spork. Her freckles are a little weird though.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: November 7, 2007
Publisher: SLG Publishing
Page Count: 104 p.

Joss is stressed over exams and her debt from student loans. She wishes she could just move to England and watch zombie movies all day. The stress of exams is no match for what she finds in the hall one day though. ZOMBIES! In the flesh, rotting flesh that is. Now Joss has to take her knowledge (from movies) of the walking dead and put it to the test. Can Joss's rules save her and her friends? Or will they all be zombie food?

This comic was ridiculous. Really it was pure entertainment. There was hardly any sort of plot line or anything. If you love Zombies, add this to your collection right away. If you want to check out another, older version of this comic you can. In the older version Joss kicks even more ass than in Zombies Calling printed edition. I do have to mention that I hate her hair. Why would you barrette it in the front like that? It seems like it would be super annoying and in the way all the time. Anyways, there is no a whole lot to say about this comic. It's pretty much like watching the middle of a Zombie movie. No drawn out character development and nothing seems to get resolved, only contained. It is in your best interests to get your hands on this and read it though, it was quite brilliant. ;)

To read more about this comic you can check out the website here.

1 comment:

  1. I don't read too many comics myself but this one looks really fun.


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