Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review: Withering Tights - Louise Rennison

Where I got it: Amazon Vine
Rating: 5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (I love the pink and black and the owl!!! Fantastic cover!)  
Genre: Young Adult  
Publication Date: June 28, 2011  
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 275 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Tallulah decides that this summer will be different for her. She will not be spending it at camp with her brother feeding her butterfly sandwiches. Instead of all that silliness, she will be going to a Performing Arts College. Unfortunately she signed up late and can't stay at the school, but ends up staying with a peculiar family with boys who stay at her and a dad trying to find his inner woman. Tallulah thought this year would be different, but she could have never imagined it to be this loony. Owls, boys and best mates are only a small part of this hilarious tale. The adventures of Tallulah will have you laughing your knickers off.

So Tallulah is Georgia's quirky younger cousin. Now I absolutely adore Georgia, and know that anyone related to her must be fairly marvy. Tallulah is funny and awkward and a bit odd. In otherwords, a fantastic girl to read about. I was laughing so much through all of Tallulah's (and her mates) misadventures. Apparently people in England are just filled with far more hilariousity than people in the U.S.. Tallulah and her friends were quirky and fun. The teachers at the school bordered on completely insane (they are ar-tists!). There were quite a few people, so you did have to pay attention to remember who's who, but I imagine that as the series continues each of the characters will grow even more and then it won't be a problem. There were plenty of dark, brooding boys in this novel, and they were just as loony as the girls. I loved the parralels to Wuthering Heights, and just the whole theater-y element in the novel. Although it did make me think a bit of the end of the Georgia Nicolson series, and I was waiting for someone to yell PANTS! Alack though no one did.  I could not put this book down, and never wanted to. I can not wait for the next installment. If you enjoy a good laugh then pick this up. I assume that you will pick this up if you are a fan of Georgia Nicolson, so I don't need to tell you twice.

First Lines:
"Wow. This is it. This is me growing up. On my own, going to Performing Arts College."

Favorite Lines: (there are sooo many)
"You wouldn't say, ' You've got the crappest eyes I've ever seen. Your eyes make me physically sick.'"

"You are clearly an intelligent girl as well as being very tall."

"THEN I come back from London. Much, much more criss than when I went I've got a jacket and a scar and my mustache. And sideburns."


  1. AHHHHHHH! I want this book so bad! I flipping through my Google Reader at lunch and came across your post. And then I ran to the bookstore--and they didn't have it :( I love L. Rennison something fierce. Great review--glad to hear it is awesome (even though I knew it would be ;)

  2. This one looks so fun - I wasn't super crazy about the Georgia Nicholson books, but I feel llike I'll like this one more.

  3. O.o

    I LOVE that cover (!) it's really vibrant and very very cool (we have a different, way less cooler, version in Australia ...)

    the book sounds completely awesome too ;)

  4. Aw, this book looks like it'd be a lot of fun to read. I love the cover of it! ;)

    Happy Reading! ;)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    My WoW!

  5. This one sounds like a really funny and cute read. I'll have to check it out!


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