Friday, September 30, 2011

Review: As I Wake - Elizabeth Scott

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 3 stars (Looks a little homemade, the quality of the graphics are low and the orange of the authors name and glow around title makes it look kind of terrible in person.)  
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: September 15, 2011
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Page Count: 269 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Ava wakes up in a body, in a house, in a town she doesn't recognize. She is confronted by doctors and a woman who says she's Ava's mother. Ava can't remember anything. She isn't even sure of she is Ava. She starts having dreams and seeing fragments of things that seem real. She feels like she is remembering something, but it can't be right. Everything in these memories is different. Everyone is different.

This was a very interesting and intense novel. Imagine waking up and having nothing be familiar, not even your own hands. Then imagine that you are having dreams that portray you in a completely different world. That could make anyone a bit scared, but Ava is simply confused. She feels like she doesn't fit. The only thing that she does remember is Morgan. He seems to cut through everything and is a steadying familiar force.  The one thing that really bugged me in this novel, is actually the same thing that bugged me about Grace. This book had too many false ending. The last few chapters all seemed like perfect ends, but then I turned the page and there was more. I liked the extra information, but for some reason it just felt like each chapter was written to be the last. Regardless of this though, I really enjoyed this strange little book. There were some elements I wasn't really expecting, and it went together nicely. I do wish we knew more. I feel like Elizabeth Scott may revisit this story again at a later date, because there seems to be so much more to it that the reader doesn't get to find out. I suggest you pick this up if your a Scott fan, or if you like books that deal with memory.

First Line:
"Wake up."

Favorite Lines:
"Touching his skin is like reading a book I know, like the dreams I had that weren't dreams at all. His skin is strange, though, cold and stretched tight, and he arches under my touch like he feels it down to the bone, like my fingers can slide inside his skin. Reach his heart."

1 comment:

  1. In my mind, Elizabeth Scott can do no wrong. She's incredible! I have this one and hope to read it sometime soon. I get what you're saying about the false endings though, they can be annoying, but I'll reserve all judgments until I read this.


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