Saturday, September 3, 2011

Review: Level Up - Gene Luen Yang and Thien Pham

Where I got it: From my collection
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Super awesome)  
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: June 7, 2011
Publisher: First Second
Page Count: 160 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Dennis Ouyang became obsessed with video games after his father's death. This obsession followed him to college, where it reflected in his bad grades. He's about to lose everything when four little angels appear to him and tell him that medical school is his destiny. Whether he likes it or not he has to at least try to reach his destiny, even if that means giving up gaming.

I really love Gene Luen Yang's stories. They are also a little odd, but tons of fun. Dennis was a pretty typical kid, except for the angels. He was struggling with where his life was supposed to go, especially when he had no father to guide him. I really enjoyed the illustrations, particularly the use of color. I loved how certain scenes were monochromatic. His friends were all great; I really liked Takeem, he was fun. If you're a fan o f graphic novels, I would suggest that you pick up a copy of this, it also has one of the greatest covers ever! I look forward to Gene Luen Yang's next endeavor.

First Line:
"I saw my first arcade video game when I was six."

Favorite Line:
"Holy mackerel!"


  1. I LOVE the cover for this! This sounds amazing - really fun and quirky, definitely something I'd like. Great review! :)

  2. This sounds interesting and fun! I also love that cover :) Great review!


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