Rating: 3 stars
Cover Rating: 3.5 stars (A little weird the mix between comic and reality, but makes me want to see what it's about.)
Genre:Young Adult
Publication Date: July 11, 2007
Publisher: Minx
Page Count: 151 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
Lottie got in some trouble with the coppers and her parents shipped her off to her grandparents for the summer. There she has to adjust from being in the city, to the great open country. It's not as boring as she thought though. When a mysterious murder happens, Lottie knows that she can solve it. She may lose some sleep, but with some help she might be able to uncover the strange happenings at the golf course.
This was certainly an interesting read. Not what I was expecting at all. The ending was a bit over-the-top outrageous! Lottie was not a like-able character at all. I found myself wanting to cuff her over the head on more than one occasion. She was very into herself and her "goth-ness". Howard seemed like a swell guy though. I really hope that someday Andi Watson might come out with a sequel to this. There is a bit of an opening for another story at the end of Clubbing. It was an entertaining read and I recommend it to girls who love graphic novels.
First Lines:
"The girl there, gabbing on the Razr, the one who looks like a silent movie star wearing dissolution lip gloss? That's me."
Favorite Line:
"It's all very odd, very Clockwork Orange."
Where I got it: My collection
Rating: 3.5 stars
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Pretty nifty. I like how much it looks like a wrapped gift.)
Genre:Young Adult
Publication Date: June 6, 2007
Publisher: Minx
Page Count: 149 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
Dixie is Korean and a black belt in hapkido. She has a super crush on Adam, which keeps throwing her off her game. She runs into walls because she's too busy thinking about him. She blows her entrance fee on a gift for Adam's birthday, and then he asks her about another girl. Dixie figures life can't get any worse. Then through a mishap of events, she ends up training with a thug named Dillinger. If Dixie can get her head straight and win the championship, maybe the rest of her life will straighten out too.
This was a fun story and the title is perfect. It was interesting to see the gifts journey as it is re-gifted over and over. It was interesting having the martial arts in the forefront of the story. It introduced me to a whole different world that I have never experienced. There is a little bit of prejudice in Dixie's world, but it's mostly just ignorant street-thrugs. Dixie could take them. It was great seeing how Dixie transformed throughout this novel and eventually got in a rhythm of her own. This was a girl empowering story and you should make sure and pick it up.
First Line:
Dixie is Korean and a black belt in hapkido. She has a super crush on Adam, which keeps throwing her off her game. She runs into walls because she's too busy thinking about him. She blows her entrance fee on a gift for Adam's birthday, and then he asks her about another girl. Dixie figures life can't get any worse. Then through a mishap of events, she ends up training with a thug named Dillinger. If Dixie can get her head straight and win the championship, maybe the rest of her life will straighten out too.
This was a fun story and the title is perfect. It was interesting to see the gifts journey as it is re-gifted over and over. It was interesting having the martial arts in the forefront of the story. It introduced me to a whole different world that I have never experienced. There is a little bit of prejudice in Dixie's world, but it's mostly just ignorant street-thrugs. Dixie could take them. It was great seeing how Dixie transformed throughout this novel and eventually got in a rhythm of her own. This was a girl empowering story and you should make sure and pick it up.
First Line:
"When you are ready----begin."
Favorite Lines:
"It's okay, I guess. If you like guys with big weapons."
I have no idea if I would like either of these books but they do sound interesting.