Friday, October 21, 2011

Review: Kimmie66 - Aaron Alexovich and Emiko Superstar - Mariko Tamaki & Steve Rolston

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Neat)  
Genre:Young Adult
Publication Date: November 7, 2007
Publisher: Minx
Page Count: 148 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Telly lives in the 23rd century. A time when virtual reality means virtual lives. Most people spend a good part of their time in Lairs, which are sort of like second life. Telly gets a suicide letter from her friend Kimmie, but she doesn't know if it's just a prank or not. The further she dives in the more she finds out. The more Telly begins to think that maybe you never really know your friends in the Lairs at all. Telly wants to help Kimmie, but it's going to take more minds than hers to figure out what is going on and save Kimmie from herself.

This was a weird book. The whole idea of Lairs and the weird avatars people come up with is a bit much. I really cannot image no human interaction. Coil sort of bothered me he looked like a juggalo (ICP), and it made me not like him very much. Telly was also sort of an annoying character, because she seemed to stumble and mutter a lot and never really get anything out. I liked how intricate the story was though. Aaron Alexovich did a great job building this eerie world, and then the worlds inside the world too. It was a fast little mystery and a little spooky. If you're really into virtual reality and sci-fi this might be right up your alley.

First Line:
" it real, Telly?"

Favorite Line:
"I'm a reality check, poodlebuns."

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Pretty perfect)  
Genre:Young Adult
Publication Date: October 14, 2008
Publisher: Minx
Page Count: 150 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Emiko didn't start off as a superstar. She started off as just a girl with a summer job. Was a whip girl then a babysitter. This was before she saw Poppy in the mall. After that Emiko went to go see the Freaks and what a sight they were. She meets a guy named Henry that tells her she can fall in with that crowd to, if she only tries and wows. So she tries, because she wants to create something. Emiko wants to find herself and the freaks might just help her.

This was an interesting little tale about a crazy place. The Factory is a fantastic concept and it was crazy seeing all the different things that people came up with to perform. Like hula-hooping, whoda thunk? There was a lot of sad parts in this story, divorce, wrong lover, bad lovers all sorts. But there was a lot of hope and inspiration too. Emiko found out a lot about herself and how to live life. Sometimes we have to do stuff that sucks, we have to do more of the things we love if we're going to make it through. Definitely pick this one up if you dig art and stuff ;)

First Line:
"Emiko Superstar. The more I think about it... ...the more I think this story should start with something about Andy Warhol."

Favorite Line:

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