Thursday, November 17, 2011

Review: All These Things I've Done - Gabrielle Zevin

Where I got it: ARC for review from publisher
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (Fairly simple, but I really like it.)  
Genre: Young Adult 
Publication Date: Septmeber 6, 2011
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
Page Count: 354 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Anya Balanchine has access to chocolate, even though it's illegal. Her family's in the business. After her mother and father are killed though, she tries to keep them mostly out of it. This works out okay until the chocolate poisons her ex-boyfriend. Did I mention Anya has been flirting with the new DA's son? Things do not look well for Anya, and as good as she tries to be, no one is perfect. It might be time she steps up and stops denying her birthright.

Very interesting story. Can you imagine a world where people don't like physical books, Anya doesn't even read at all. No chocolate, no caffeine...what a bleak existence. Anya was sort of a loose cannon. Her emotions raged all over the place. Sometimes she's calm and other times she is crazy. It's understandable sometimes in her case, but she seems more unhinged then most. Girls really do have horrible taste in guys. Everyone who dates has dated at least one Gable Arsley. If you haven't yet, you will. What a terrible guy eh? Now I don't know him, but if I had been in Anya's friend, Scarlet's, shoes there is no way I would feel even the slightest bit bad for him. Some people need something terrible to happen to them so that they wake up. For every Gable though, there's a Goodwin. What a charmer he is. He had me swooning all over the place at the tip of his hat. This was an amazing story despite some detestable people. A great deal of action and mafia-esque business. I am very much looking forward to the next one and am curious about Anya's next move.

First Line:
"The night before junior year—I was sixteen, barely—Gable Arsley said he wanted to sleep with me."

Favorite Lines:
"'Besides, I'd never marry you,' I told him. 'I'm sixteen, and you're a slut, and you can't stop saying preposterous things!'"


  1. This does sound like a very bleak existence o_O glad you liked it, I am looking forward to reading this too :) Great review!

  2. I didn't know what this book was about when I started it but I loved it and very much looking forward to next in the series!
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