Thursday, December 8, 2011

Review: The Future of Us - Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (It's pretty nifty. I like the vagueness of their faces, but how their appearances match the characters.)  
Genre: Young Adult 
Publication Date: November 21, 2011
Publisher: Razorbill
Page Count: 356 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Back in 1996, most homes don't have a computer and no one has ever heard of Facebook. Emma and Josh have been neighbors and friends for a long time, so when Emma gets a personal computer, Josh brings over an AOL CD for internet. When Emma installs the disc though, another screen pops up with someone of the same name, but 15 years older. Emma thinks it's a coincidence until she starts finding out more about the woman's past. Josh thinks it might be a prank, but Emma knows it's real. They can view their future lives on this Facebook thing. Everything they do now will affect the outcome of their future. For some the future looks great how it is, but can they put their feelings aside for a great outcome, or do they have to live in the here and now?

This was an interesting kickback to the 90's. I was not 16 in 1996, but I hung out with a lot of teenagers, and even if you were in school in the 90's this book may bring back some memories. Oh, the days of dial-up and AOL were long days filled with the static-y beeping of the internet connecting. Nostalgia aside though this was a great story about friends and relationships. I just wish Emma wasn't such a twit. This is a classic girl is twit, guy loves her anyway because he's just swell and they've known each other forever. Many times I wanted to smack her, I wanted to smack Josh plenty too, but Emma mostly. One thing the drives me crazy is when people won't just tell the each other how they are feeling. Nothing dramatic, just something like "Hey, I hate that we fought yesterday, let's be friends again," is that so hard? Regardless this was a fun read. There's plenty of nostalgia and laughs and awkward moments. It's like being in high school and talking to friends. You'll reminisce, you'll laugh, you'll cry and the whole time you'll be enjoying it. Check this one out soon, I'll be looking forward to more stories by both these authors.

First Line:
"I can't break up with Graham today, even though I told my friends I'd do it the next time I saw him."

Favorite Lines:
"'Truthfully, his hair was the only thing that made him hot,' I say. 'Now he looks like a peach lollipop.'"

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