Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reivew: Still Waters - Emma Carlson Berne

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Gorgeous.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: December 20, 2011
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Page Count: 212 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Hannah doesn't know for sure if she loves her boyfriend Colin. The pressure is on her to say it though, since he's already said it a few times. Each time she says she has to think about it or that the moment has to be perfect. Hannah just wants them to be alone, really alone so that she can know for sure. She decides to surprise him with a trip to his family cabin for the weekend. Colin isn't thrilled about going there, because he doesn't remember liking it but he reluctantly agrees. It's way off the beaten path though, hidden deep in the woods. Hannah gets a very uncomfortable felling, but tries to let it go. She just wants this too be a nice weekend before Colin goes off to college. When more strange things start happening, the trip goes from fun to scary. Hannah and Colin don't know what's going on, but this is not the trip they had planned.

If you like Psychological Thrillers, snatch this one up right away. This book really creeped me out. I read it in one sitting, right before bed and could feel the cool lake air drifting into my dreams. I loved the imagery and attention to detail in this novel. Emma Carlson Berne, can certainly paint a picture with words. I knew exactly how everything looked throughout the novel, which lent to the creepy feel. One thing that threw me off though is the use of the word "rear" instead of "butt". Rear just seems out of place in YA and makes me giggle, because it's a silly word. Is this just me maybe? The ending was completely unexpected which I thoroughly appreciated. There were a few things in the end that kind of seemed like they were a little off. The mood changed dramatically all of a sudden, which was a little off-putting. There was a nice creepy vibe with your heart pumping and then there was just mystery and recollections. It was just sudden. Neither of the characters have too much background revealed in the beginning of the story, but they still felt like good solid characters. Their feelings were very tangible so that helped. If you're looking for a good intense read, make sure you don't pass this one up.

First Line:
"Hannah Taylor leaned her finger on the doorbell of Colin's house, listening to the silvery chimes echo inside the sprawling Victorian."

Favorite Line:
"The pine boughs scraped the truck on either side, like reaching fingers."

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