Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Review: A Million Suns - Beth Revis

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 3.5 stars (I like that it combines the feel for both the hardcover and paraback of Across the Universe, but the cover doesn't look well done. The stars are fuzzy and the pod-thing has bad edges.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 10, 2012
Publisher: Razorbill
Page Count: 387 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
Sequel to Across the Universe

Now that Eldest is dead, Elder has to step up and take charge of the people on Godspeed. He wants to rule in a different way, without Phydus turning everyone into mindless robots. Unfortunately this action has serious consequences. Elder might not be a strong enough leader in the everyone's  opinion. Meanwhile, Amy is pining away for open air and grass. She just wants to see her parents again, but she probably will never get the chance. When she stumbles upon some clues left for her by Orion though, they ignite a little bit of hope in Amy. They ignite some hope in Elder too, which he definitely needs as he faces a revolt from the members of Godspeed. If he doesn't step up and show them what a strong leader is soon, he may have more issues to deal with than just their destination.

An incredible sequel in an amazing series. The ship has gone crazy with everyone off Phydus. People are learning more and some are stirring up trouble. There are more lies that must be uncovered and deceptions that have devastating effects. Elder is trying to hold it together as the new leader, but since he is so young, no one really puts much stock into what he has to say. Being a young person in a position of power is difficult and it's especially hard when people who are supposed to be your friends turn against you. Amy is missing Earth something fierce in this novel, but luckily to keep her mind occupied she stumbles upon some clues left to her from Orion. The clues lead to some huge information about the ship, and Amy shares some of the info with Elder, even when it starts seeming futile. The relationship between Elder and Amy is especially strained in this novel. Elder is under a lot of pressure being the new leader of the ship, and Amy is still weary about the fact that he's the one who unfroze and nearly killed her. I love how realistic the relationship is, especially with Amy extra confused, because there's really no one else her age except him, so she doesn't fell like she has a choice. There is one person who turns up dead, but no one notices and no one admits guilt. I hope that we find out who did it in the next and final book. I can not wait to crack open the spine on the next story and find out the conclusion. This is an incredible series and if you haven't started it, you should.

First Line:
"'This isn't going to be easy,' I mutter, staring at the solid metal door that leads to the Engine Room on the Shipper Level of Godspeed."

Favorite Line:
"The painting is vividly bright, even though in my memory everything was dark: the water, the mud, her eyes."

1 comment:

  1. This review has just made me so excited to read this! I've just finished the first and oh God, I want more!

    Marlene Detierro (SEO Dallas)


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