Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review: Pink Smog - Francesca Lia Block

Where I got it: ARC from Amazonvine
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (PINK! It's great it goes lovely with the new cover for Dangerous Angels.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 24, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
Page Count: 185 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Meet Louise Bat, newly a teen and starting her transformation to Weetzie Bat. Weetzie has to start a new school, where she doesn't have any friends and there are girls meaner than mean. Her father recently stormed out of the house and hasn't been back since, but Weetzie thinks that her creepy new neighbors may have something to do with it, if they even exist. Weetzie feels all alone in the world—under the pink smog of L.A. Hopefully she can get some help and find some friends to help her get through this rough patch and become who she is supposed to be.

What fun this read was. After having read and adored the Weetzie books for many years, it was awesome to take a look back and see how it all really started. To see how Louise became Weetzie. If you haven't already read Weetzie Bat, I would definitely start with this one. Then you have the wonderful experience of watching her change and grow. If you have already read and loved it, make sure you don't miss this one; just as magical as the others. Weetzie walks the line between reality and fiction, sometimes not even sure if she is the one imagining things. I love her whole world, how everything is beautiful and lots of things hurt. It's so real, even when the unimaginable happens. Guardian angels, weenie dogs, voodoo and coincidence all make an appearance in this novel. If you've never read Francesca Lia Block, you can't even begin to imagine the joy that awaits you. This is a lovely story for anyone who's ever felt alone or out of place; a story for someone who wants a little magic in their lives. 

First Line:
"The day after my dad, Charlie, the love of my life, left, and an angel saved my mom from drowning, I woke up with a slamming headache and a wicked sunburn."

Favorite Line:
"I imagined him coming into my room in the dark and sitting at my bedside stroking my forehead with his hand, whispering fairy tales the way my father used to, his blue eyes like night-lights."

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