Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer E. Smith

Where I got it: From my collection
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4.5 stars (Cute and fitting. What a long title!)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 2, 2012
Publisher: Poppy
Page Count: 236 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon

Hadley realizes just how much can change when you're four minutes late. She misses her flight to England, to her father's wedding. Hadley did not want to go to the wedding at all, but showing up late would almost be worse. Thins are just miserable until she meets Oliver. Oliver is British and helps her carry her bags and keeps her company. Then they find out that they are seatmates on the flight over, the one that Hadley had to change to. Oliver is charming and funny and cute. So much can change in four minutes and so much can happen in twenty-four hours.

This was a super sweet story. I loved Oliver. I would not mind being stuck on a plane with him for seven hours. Hadley was a bit childish in the beginning especially, but she got better as the story progressed. My parents divorced and my dad and mum both got remarried. I never felt too miserable about my dad getting remarried though. My mum could have picked someone better though. I've never been on a plane, but if I could be guaranteed a trip next to a cute British boy, I might book a flight right now. This whole story centers on the idea of love at first sight. Hadley automatically opens up complete to this boy that she just met. She could just be a talker, or it could be kismet. I definitely have to read some Dickens now though, it sounds splendid. If you are looking for a quick, thoughtful love story then make sure you pick this one up. There were plenty of fantastic characters in this novel, and I wouldn't mind some companion novels in the future. This is one you won't want to miss in 2012.

First Line:
"There are so many ways it could have all turned out differently."

Favorite Line:
"It's a feeling like falling, like forgetting the words to a song."

1 comment:

  1. This book looks super cute. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I definitely need quick novels now and then, and your review persuaded me to pick this up.


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