Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Review: The Savage Grace - Bree Despain

Where I got it: Finished copy from publisher
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Lovely, I love how well the covers match. The spine for this one is a bit different than the others though.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: March 13, 2012
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Page Count: 490 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Sequel to The Dark Divine and The Lost Saint

Daniel is still stuck as a wolf, while Grace is battling the wolf inside of her.  She's desperately trying to fight against the evil wolf that creeps into her thoughts, which hinders her ability to find a cure for Daniel. All she wants is for him to be human again. As a wolf she feels him being pulled away from her little by little. She needs to figure things out and get her inner wolf under control. Caleb isn't going to let things go that easily, and Grace's life and town are at stake.

A marvelous conclusion for the series, what a long book though. I'm glad that it was all in one though. I found a part that normally the book would have been split but I was so glad I was able to keep reading until the series conclusion. When I started this book, I hardly remember anything from the series, but Bree Despain flawlessly include a brief summary of past events with each important item. I appreciated that it was a reminder for those who may have had some time in between reading the novels, but the descriptions weren't so drawn out that if you had just read the first two you'd be irritated. So much happens in this novel and all of the characters really show how much they have grown. On top of the growth of the characters, there is plenty of action in this novel. Action and misdirection. I was never sure who could be trusted, maybe it was Grace's inner wolf, but maybe it was just my weariness to accept that anyone who already proved themselves untrustworthy could be loyal again. I'm  terribly sad that this series has come to an end, but 'm excited to see what Bree gives us next. What a chaotic week for Grace and friends. I love the new "lost boys" that follow Grace around like eager puppies. They were a real fun bunch and they fell in together so naturally. Once again Bree sneaks in little quips here and there, which take you by surprise and make you say HA! This series was just really amazing. I do think I'll have to go through and read all three again so I can pick up all the little things that I probably missed from waiting a year or more between reading each book. Again, if you haven't read this series and really enjoy paranormal fiction, check it out.

First Line:
"He knew me too well."

Favorite Lines:
"You want to be a superhero still, Grace? Well, every hero has a nemesis. And I'm yours."

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