Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy National Library Week + Contest

So as some of you may know. This week is national library week. So to celebrate I'm going to kick off the week with a giveaway. It will be for a surprise book! I do have some lovely authors and fellow book bloggers helping me this week, so make sure you stop in and check out what they've contributed! Before we get to the rules I'll share a great Unshelved strip with you.
 Oh libraries, what would a lot of us do without them? Not only do they provide us with the books we so crave, but librarians make great recommendations (maybe I'm a bit biased here).  So now on to the contest right ;) 

*Must be 13+ to enter
Fill out this form here
Contest is open internationally!
+2 points for every comment you leave on a post during the duration of this contest. (I'll keep track)
Contest will end Saturday April 14th.
+2 points everywhere you spread the news.

Thanks, good luck and Happy Reading!


Hello readers! I love comments, so please feel free to leave them. I do comment back on every comment I get, though it may take me a couple of days. Thanks for stopping by!