Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In honor of National Library Week, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite books that talk about libraries or working in a library. If you have some you'd like to add, leave a comment!

Free For All: Oddballs, Geeks, and Gangstas in the Public Library - Don Borchert
When I first started working at the library, my boss told me to read this book so that I would be prepared. This book made me laugh a lot and roll my eyes a bit. I did not believe this was that realistic. Now five years later, I've seen a lot of what Don Borchert writes about and can say it's so true!

Unshelved - Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum (Unshelved.com)
Really I love that there's a new comic up on the site everyday. Dewey is my favorite character, possibly ever. I love his attitude and fun-ness ;)

The Grimm Legacy - Polly Shulman
Probably the best library ever. A library completely made of Grimm Brother story artifacts. Yes please! (See my review here.)

The Truth About Forever - Sarah Dessen
Macy's story only slightly revolves around the library. It's her summer job. I loved the cattiness of the reference librarian. It makes her seem like someone you could dislike if you went to that library.(See my review here.)

Miles from Ordinary - Carol Lynch Williams
This is another story that only loosely deals with the actual library. Lacey works as a page, but her mother's illness sort of puts a damper on it. (See my review here.)

The Library - Sarah Stewart
A great picture book with a wild haired awesome librarian.

Miss Brooks Loves Books! (and I Don't) - Barbara Bottner
Another fabulous picture book. I love the librarian and the girl. The illustrations are just wonderful.

Have you read any of these? Leave links to your reviews!


  1. These all sound great. I want to check out the comics now (Unshelved) and the Grimm Legacy...which I think I might have seen in stores.


  2. LOVE this post! I completely forgot about how Macy worked in a library in THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER, lol.

    One of my favorite books (or series, really) that features a library is Beautiful Creatures. That book has some serious library love. :D

    1. Oh man! How could I forget about Beautiful Creatures O_O <3 that book!


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