Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Review: I Can't Tell You - Hillary Frank

Where I got it: Inter-library Loan
Rating: 4 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I like the simplicity and the relevance, but it's not overly exciting.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 25, 2004
Publisher: Graphia
Page Count: 196 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Jake's said some terrible things to his best friend that he wishes he could take back. Unfortunately the damage has already been done. Jake figures that talking=trouble and not talking=good idea. So Jake decides to stop talking, completely. He writes on napkins, whiteboards and in notebooks. Not many people understand why he stopped talking, but Jake just feels it was the right thing to do. His friend Xandra mostly understands, but there are some things he needs to tell her. If he keeps on not saying anything, he might just loose another friend.

This was an interesting story. I really love the idea of not talking for awhile. Jake makes the good point that when you're writing you have time to really think about what you're saying and also not talk about bullshit like the weather. The style of this novel is kind of a mash-up of all written forms; journals, notes, scribbled things, white board convos, everything.  This added a great element to the story and also made it a super quick read. I really enjoyed the parts especially where Jake is the only one writing responses to what others are saying. You get to sort of guess and wonder about how the conversation went. Jake was a very interesting character, this was highlighted in his strange notes to "Miss Me". I don't want to spoil who they are, but it was neat. He struggled with his emotions and what to say/no say a lot. I really liked the inner struggle on all that. His friends were all fun too so, an all around great bunch. If you like realistic fiction about love and friendship and the line between as well as novels written in unique formats, make sure you check this one out.

First Line:
I think you're faking it."

Favorite Line:
"Well, you're RE-COCK-ULOUS."

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