Monday, April 23, 2012

Review: In Too Deep - Amanda Grace

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 3.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I love the coloring of the text, but don't really get the cover. I guess it's symbolic.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: February 8, 2012
Publisher: Flux
Page Count: 228 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Sam didn't start the rumor.
Through a series of misinterpretations the school is now convinced that Sam was raped by Carter at a party he hosted. This isn't true though. Same didn't know what people were talking about, but accepted their condolences. When she found out the rumor had already taken root. Sam wasn't sure how to proceed. She knew she had to set the story straight, but maybe Carter deserves to be questioned. How good of a person could he be if people believe this lie so readily?

Sam really got herself in deep. I felt her awkwardness and the uncomfortable pressure of having to tell people the truth. It's a hard situation, especially with such an intense subject like rape. There would definitely be people who hated her, because they wouldn't know the whole story. I really thought she should have said something the minute she figured out what was going on. Though, at first I though maybe Carter does deserve this but honestly he doesn't. Even though he wasn't a great guy, rape is a terrible thing to accuse someone of. If they were going to make him out to be a jerk, they should have just called him on the things he did do. There were plenty to choose from. It would have been interesting to have alternating perspective in this novel. I really would have liked to see what was going on in a lot of the characters heads. Nick was such a great guy, and I loved the relationship between Sam and him. They fell together so easily and you could tell the characters clicked. But then you have this horrible guilt/secret/disaster mixed with a bit of bad advice from some vengeful girls and Sam is a mess.  This was a great novel about decisions and consequences. Not only Sam's but Carters and their friends. You should definitely check out this novel if you like drama. Amanda Grace did a fantastic job at showcasing how rumors spread in high school and how some decisions, while obvious, can be hard to make.

First Line:
"'Close your eyes.'"

Favorite Line:
"I'm wearing a scarlet letter, but this one is for liar."

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