Thursday, April 26, 2012

Review: Mister Death's Blue-eyed Girls - Mary Downing Hahn

Where I got it: ARC from AmazonVine
Rating: 3 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (This cover is just perfect. I can't even describe how much I adore it!)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: April 17, 2012
Publisher: Clarion Books
Page Count: 336 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Two girls are shot and all eyes on on one of the dead girl's ex-boyfriend. Nora and Ellie were the girls' best friends and are in shock. They can't get over how close it was, they could have been killed too if they weren't running late. Now it's summer and Nora is left in town all alone while everyone she knows goes off trying to forget. Nora, unfortunately only has the town to keep reminding her of the crime. The ex-boyfriend, Buddy, didn't do it. The cops have nothing on him, but everyone still thinks it's him. Even Buddy's parents aren't sure. He's completely alone and just wants to get out of this town. Mister Death is pleased, even if his kid brother is trying to ruin everything by being so obvious. Mister Death is sure he will never be caught, those girls got what they deserved. This is a story about life after tragedy and the different effects on all the people involved.

I honestly expected a lot more from this story than a bunch of boy obsessed girls. Honestly that's what a lot of this book consists of, even after the girls die. It was interesting getting inside everyone's head and seeing the events unfold through different eyes. Poor Buddy, what a terrible thing to endure, having all the guilt forced upon you while you are crushed with longing for the girl you love. Mister Death was so creepy in his thoughts, he's the kid who brings a gun to school. It was interesting getting part of the story from his perspective though, to see how little it takes to snap the part of his brain that is broken. Girls can be so cruel. It's tragic and interesting that this story was based on a real event. This flowed in a sort of timeline, but each chapter seemed a bit disjointed.I didn't really see the story going anywhere. It was really just about each character being in their own world after the murders. I was expecting a lot more about the murders I guess, something a little more thrilling. I did enjoy the time period though. It was interesting reading about the 50's. I had never read anything by Mary Downing Hahn, but I might check out one of her middle grade books to see if it's her style I don't like or simply this story didn't grab me.

First Line:
"He opens his eyes."

Favorite Line:
"I savor it, let the words roll around in my mind until I can almost taste them, until they flow through me like blood in my veins."

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