Monday, April 30, 2012

Review: Tina's Mouth - Keshni Kashyap and Mari Araki

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I really enjoyed these illustrations.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: January 3, 2012
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Page Count: 248 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Tina M. attends a "fancy" school. At this school she is taking a philosophy class in which she has been assigned to keep an existential diary. She decides to address her diary to Sartre, who is one of the philosophers they are studying. In it we watch Tina discover how to be, how to grow up and who she really is.

This was a very amazing graphic novel. The illustrations and Tina made it truly fantastic. I loved the idea of a YA graphic novel about existentialism and philosophy. It made a great parallel for Tina's coming of age story. Some people may find Tina a bit irritating or snobbish, but I just took her as some one who had a lot of learning to do. It's easy to latch on to a concept to help define yourself by.  I of course was reminded of Persepolis in the tone of this story. This is a great book that will make you think about it long after you put it down. It will inspire you to read (more) Sartre. The friendships in this were very well done and you really got a sense of each person that Tina hung out with. Definitely check this one out if you enjoyed Persepolis or love graphic novels that make you think.

First Lines:
"Dear Mr. Jean-Paul Sartre,
I know you are dead and old and also a philosopher. So, on an obvious level, you and I do not have a lot in common."

Favorite Line:
"What is nirvana, mon philosophe?"

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