Monday, May 28, 2012

Review: Fated - Alyson Noël

Where I got it: ARC from publisher for review
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 5 stars (Very pretty and flows nicely!)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: May 22, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Page Count: 306 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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Daire has been seeing things. Things other people don't see. She tried to tell her mother, but she didn't believe Daire. Daire knows these things must be real, but as the images and episodes get more intense she starts to doubt herself. After a particularly horrific incident, Daire is sent to live with her grandmother in New Mexico—a grandmother she has never met. Her grandmother knows exactly what has been happening to her, she's being called upon as a Soul Seeker. Her grandmother is one and every first born on that side has had the power, though some chose not to believe or use it. Then Daire runs into Dace, a boy she has seen often in her dreams. He belongs to a family of Coyotes though, enemies to Soul Seekers. She isn't sure how to control her feelings toward him, or what feelings she should even have. Her grandmother is trying to teach her all there is to learn, but time is running out. Daire needs to call upon the untapped potential and fix things now...or it may be too late.

Really didn't expect to enjoy this book so much, but Alyson Noël blended amazing elements into a fantastic story. Not only did this have that supernatural feel that Noël is known for but it added in some Navajo tales too. One thing that was a bit unbelievable was how not annoying Daire was. She seemed snotty, but we never really saw her act that way too much. It was nice, that I didn't have to get sick of her character right off the bat, but it seemed a bit odd that she was so easily swayed into unknown beliefs. Regardless, this was a very interesting start to what I'm sure will be an excellent series. I'm glad the books come out every six months instead of every year! I loved all the folklore woven in through the story. The characters were a bit stereotypical, but still awesome. Dace <3 I'm very interested to see where the rest of the series takes us, and what other hurtles Daire will have to overcome.

First Line:
"First came the crows."

Favorite Line:
"Nudging Jennika out of the way, he lifts a stethoscope from his neck, secures it in place, and tries to lower muy sheet so he can get down to business and eavesdrop on the inside of my chest."

This is also out in audiobook for those listeners out there. You can click here for an audio sample.


  1. I haven't read many reviews of Fated but yours definitely has me interested as I've never read anything by Alyson but now I think I should give her books a go!

  2. I've wanted to read this one since I first heard of it. I haven't read any of Noël's books though, so this might be a good one to start with. Great review :)


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