Friday, June 8, 2012

Let's Talk: Favorite Authors

Let's Talk is a weekly feature at i swim for oceans.

Question: Who are your favourite authors of all time?

This is a tricky one to narrow down to just a few. It's hard if an author only has one novel to say that they are a favorite author.
In middle school and high school it was 100% Francesca Lia Block. I devoured her books over and again. He style snuck it's way into many of the things I wrote. I still hold a special place in my heart for her and all of her wonderful novels. She's just wonderful. I have expanded a bit now though.
I really love Etgar Keret, who writes these profound short stories. They are so perfect for being so short.
David Leviathan is definitely up there in the tops list. I mean, he's brilliant. Everything he writes is perfect.
Brian Selznick. Not only is he an incredible author but his illustrations are so powerful. I mean he tells some incredible stories with only pictures, and they are so moving.
Also, Hannah Moskowitz and Kody Keplinger. Both of these lovely ladies are younger than I am, and every time I finish one of their novels, I can not believe it. They are both fantastic and thoughtful authors. They provoke so much emotion and have totally relatable characters.
Then on the other end of things we have Louise Rennison, who I also loved in middle and high school. I loved Gerorgia Nicolson. I think that is the book series I have reread the most times. They are just fantabulous and funny. So, I guess those are my tried and true favorites.
There are other authors that I imagine I will be able to add to this list once they write more books. There's Tahereh Mafi, Arlaina Tibensky, Jandy Nelson and probably many more that I can't think of right now.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

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