Monday, June 25, 2012

Review: Waiting - Carol Lynch Williams

Where I got it: Library
Rating: 4.5 stars  
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I don't like the weird light on the back of his head, I'm also a bit disappointed in the jacket as a whole, it is just this image over and over.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: May 1, 2012
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Page Count: 352 p.
Buy it: Book Depository / Amazon
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London has lost her brother, her best friend, Zach died. Her mother refuses to acknowledge her and her father has immersed himself in his work. London feels alone. She has a hard time talking to people who know, because she doesn't want to hear them say they are sorry for her loss. She misses Zach so much and it's hard for her to cope without him. She tries to find comfort in two other pairs of arms though. She holds on to her old boyfriend Taylor and  new guy Jesse. Though London will soon realize that a few stolen kisses can't even begin to make her whole again, she may realize that she isn't as alone as she thought and can take the first step towards moving on.

This book was pretty devastating. At first it seemed like a typical novel about grief and a family flung apart by it. As you dig deeper into the novel and find all the events that transpired, it just gets hard to read. London has suffered a terrible loss, but it was so much worse than that too. She lost her mother when she lost her brother, because her mother blames her completely. I understand why London sought comfort with other boys. Taylor helped her remember all the great things about her brother, while Jesse let her forget any of it ever happened.

I'm a bit torn about the religious aspects of this novel. I felt like they didn't run deep enough; there wasn't enough of London and Zach's background. On the other hand though, faith is a funny thing and sometimes no amount of background goes to explaining how deep it can run in a person. I thought the faith we did see gave a glimmer of hope to London and it was nice to see her with that hope.

Again, this is a novel written in verse, and it fit the novel nicely. Novels about very tough subjects just really work well in verse, especially the feeling of being alone. A mostly blank page with the words "She has four brothers. Count them. One, two, three, four. And my one is none." really hits hard. When there are less words, you can focus on the meat of the story.

If you like stories that will make you sad, but hopeful check this one out. It was a great read and I can't wait for what Carol Lynch Williams has next in store for us.

First Line:
"After it happened, no one in school would talk to me."

Favorite Lines:
"Somehow, I open the van door and stumble out onto the green, green grass of our lawn. I am the stupidest girl at Smyrna High. I am."


  1. "When there are less words, you can focus on the meat of the story" - Very true!

    Nice review, Britt! I haven't heard much about this one, but you've made me curious now.

  2. I have to read something by this author. I actually really enjoy sad novels lol. I'm weird like that. I find that they always move me the most.

  3. I have been waiting on this but haven't read many reviews, so I'm so happy to read yours - it sounds fantastic. I am a fan of bittersweet stories and your description of the verse sounds beautiful!


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