Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reading Road-trip: New Hampshire!

Hello everyone and welcome to day one of the Reading Road-Trip hosted by I like These Books and IceyBooks. I am the New Hampshire half of our first day of giveaways. Head on over to Read-A-holicZ for the Maine half of day one!

So first I'll let you in on some New Hampshire firsts:
  • On January 5, 1776 at Exeter, the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire ratified the first independent constitution in the Americas, free of British rule. 
  • Started in 1822, Dublin's Juvenile Library was the first free public library. 
  • In 1828, the first women's strike in the nation took place at Dover's Cocheco Mills. 
  • Founded in 1833, the Peterborough Town Library was the first public library, supported with public funds, in the world.
  • Christa McAuliffe of Concord became the first private citizen selected to venture into space. She perished with her six space shuttle Challenger crewmates on January 28, 1986. 
  • On May 31, 2007, New Hampshire became "...the first state to recognize same-sex unions without a court order or the threat of one."
Fairly interesting things no?
Some famous N.H. authors are: Joseph Monninger, Erin Bowman, Gina Rosati and of course Robert Frost. 

Alright, now on to the part you are looking for...The Giveaway! I will be giving away a book that takes place in New Hampshire. Love & Leftovers by Sarah Tregay. Just fill out this form to enter. Ends July 28th. International entries are very welcome! Thanks for stopping by, and Good Luck!


  1. Fun tour/trip :D and thanks for the giveaway :)

  2. Nice post! If you could include the links to both hosting sites, that would be awesome. Thank you.

    1. And when does the giveaway end?

    2. I have already linked to both hosting sites in the first paragraph. Contest ends July 28th.

    3. Thank you. I'm sorry, it wasn't coming up on my phone! (This is why I should just use my computer!) I'll update the list now...

  3. Thank you for the giveaway! :) I love New Hampshire. My husband is from there, and we actually got married at Rye Beach. :D

  4. I really enjoyed reading the facts about NH! And thank you so, so much for making the giveaway international, Love & Leftovers is a book I have really been wanting to read!

  5. Super fun idea! Thanks for the knowledge and the giveaway!

  6. Woohoo, New Hampshire! I'm a New Hampshire girl, born and raised. I'll probably never leave :) Thank you for this fantastic giveaway. What part of NH are you from? Northern or Southern? I'm southern. It would be so awesome to meet another book blogger from my area.

    Tiffany @ Book Cover Justice

    1. Oh man, I just saw that not all the bloggers live in their assigned states for the giveaways, bummer! I was all excited thinking there was someone near me lol.

    2. Tiffany - I actually do live in New Hampshire :) I live in central NH.

    3. Awesome! It's so good to know I'm not all alone over here lol. Maybe we can meet up at an author event sometime and talk books, not that many authors ever come this way unfortunately.


Hello readers! I love comments, so please feel free to leave them. I do comment back on every comment I get, though it may take me a couple of days. Thanks for stopping by!